What Would Happen If You Did Not Brush Your Teeth?

As you carry out the often-repetitive ritual of brushing in front of the mirror, morning and night, it’s not an unreasonable question to ask.

Here are four things that would happen if you didn’t brush on a regular basis, with a couple of tips to finish off.

Tooth Decay

After eating, bacteria found in the mouth perform a process of breaking down residual sugar and turning the sugar to acid. Not brushing your teeth leads to overexposure to the acid. This can cause damage to the outer coating of your teeth, known as enamel, and can create cavities, which are small holes in your teeth. Fillings are often required to fill these cavities.

Gum Disease

As well as initiating the process that causes cavities, the bacteria in your mouth can affect your oral health in a more direct way. If the bacteria are allowed to build up through extended periods of not brushing, a residue called plaque is formed. This unpleasant deposit pervades all areas of the palette – from the teeth to below the gum line. As well as contributing to tooth decay, plaque can cause a gum disease known as gingivitis, a medical problem that can cause gums to become inflamed and irritable.

Bad Breath

Not brushing your teeth can result in the build-up of leftover food in the mouth. Over time, this organic debris begins to fester and rot, a process that creates a nasty odour, which can lead to bad breath.

Tooth Loss

People with poor oral hygiene have an increased risk of losing teeth. This is because overexposure to bacteria in the mouth can cause the various tissues that hold teeth in place to decay. Over time, poor oral hygiene can contribute to the loss of some of your teeth.

Benefits of Brushing

Given the above, you should always brush your teeth frequently, as doing so contributes to a number of benefits.

One advantage is that brushing can keep your teeth whiter for longer. As we age, our teeth are gradually stained by the food and drink that we consume. By brushing your teeth regularly, you can help to slow down this natural process.

Brushing Tips

It’s important to brush your teeth twice a day for around two minutes each time. You should also replace your toothbrush every three to four months. You can supplement the good work you do during your brushing routine by flossing once a day as well.

Don’t forget a regular check-up at the dentist either. Has it been six months since your last visit? Give us a call on 01730 266 350 now to book an appointment.


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