Considerations Before Choosing Dermal Fillers

Take a look at any glossy magazine or browse the net for a few moments and you’ll no doubt come across scores of glamorous celebrities with ageless, perfect faces. While their beauty may seem an un-achievable dream for anyone but the very wealthy, their appearances are highly likely to be based upon something wholly attainable: dermal fillers.

You may have heard of dermal fillers before and wondered what they are and whether you are suitable for them. You may even have confused their effects with the frozen face of badly applied Botox, but unlike the muscle-relaxing injectable, dermal fillers give an altogether softer, more natural appearance.

What Happens As We Age?

Age creeps up on everyone. As we age, the collagen that was produced in excess in our youth begins to diminish. Our skin, too, becomes thinner and less able to repair itself as elastin and hyaluronic acid decreases. This can lead to lines and wrinkles in our face as the essential structure of it breaks down. Skin becomes dryer and less taut.

What Can Dermal Fillers Do for Me?

The dermal fillers that we use at Lodge Dental Surgery are based on hyaluronic acid, a natural ingredient found in your skin. It can totally transform your face, smoothing lines and giving you a fresher, more youthful appearance. As well as skin rejuvenation, fillers can add structure and lost volume to the face to enhance cheekbones or fill in areas which have lost their plumpness from weight loss or extreme exercise.

We use Juvéderm, Restylane and Teoxane dermal fillers in various strengths for different applications. More cohesive fillers are suitable for areas with high movement, such as lips, as they draw more water to the area. Smoother, thinner consistencies are suitable to fill in the delicate areas under the eyes for an invisible application. For deeper lines or areas where volume needs to be restored, an ultra-deep filler such as Teoxane can be used.

Whether you are looking for a softer appearance with light, superficial injections or would like to add volume to your lips or definition to your jawline, we can help.

What is the Dermal Filler Procedure?

The first step is to book a consultation to discuss what you are looking to achieve with filler application and to go over some realistic options. At The Lodge Dental Surgery, we consider the face structure as a whole, not just the individual lines you may see.

After a plan has been agreed, we will apply a topical numbing cream before injecting the required areas using a fine needle. There is very little discomfort during the procedure and it will last around 30-45 minutes. You should expect some light bruising or redness afterwards, but this will subside after a few days.

You can expect results to last between 6-12 months on average, although some of our clients have reported noticing the effects for up to 24 months with certain treatments. Results are natural and subtle, giving the impression that you’re well-rested. They are completely reversible if necessary.

What Questions Should I Ask my Consultant?

  • What qualifications do you have in cosmetic enhancements?

  • How long have you been working as a consultant?

  • Do you have before and after pictures?

  • Which brands do you use?

  • What aftercare will I be given?

  • Will I experience any side effects?

The Lodge’s experienced beauty consultants can help you find the perfect dermal filler solution for you. Call 01730 266 350 to schedule an appointment with us today.


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