How to Keep Your Children’s Teeth Healthy

As children grow and develop, there will be many opportunities to help them learn the importance of a healthy lifestyle. Good nutrition, exercise and maintaining their dental health are all things that they will discover on their journey, whether they want to or not!

It’s safe to say that children are not as thorough as adults when it comes to looking after their teeth, but there are simple ways in which you can help them keep their teeth healthy now for better dental health in the future.

1. Take Them to the Dentist Early

As NHS dental care is free for all children, it makes sense to look for a children’s dentist as soon as their milk teeth begin to grow. This will allow them to familiarise themselves with the dental environment. It is important for your child to build a good rapport with their dentist, which is why we at The Lodge Dental Surgery work hard to be the best children’s dentist in Petersfield. Each and every visit is fun, and our friendly staff aim to set nervous little ones at ease with activities and games. Regular dental trips can help your child become comfortable with dental care and stop them worrying about future visits.

2. Teach Them to Brush Their Teeth

Good dental hygiene starts at home, however, and there are a few things you can do to help your children’s dentist. You should aim for around two minutes of brushing, twice a day, in the morning and just before bedtime to remove acid and food debris from the teeth and gums. Children over the age of seven can brush their teeth on their own, but be sure to supervise younger children to make sure they clean each and every tooth properly.

3. Make the Brushing Process Fun

The best way of helping a child brush their teeth is to gently guide their hand so they can feel the correct movement. A mirror will also help your child guide their toothbrush to the right part of their mouth. As with all chores, it is a good idea to try and inject some fun into the process of brushing teeth. Introducing an egg timer lets your child know when brushing is complete. You could also brush your teeth at the same time and encourage your kids into a competition to see who can get the shiniest teeth. We’re sure your children’s dentist will thank you for it.

4. Choose the Right Fluoride Levels

You should start brushing your child’s teeth as soon as their baby teeth begin to break through. There is no need to buy a specialist toothpaste when brushing; instead, ensure that the toothpaste has at least 1,000ppm of fluoride to be effective for children up to the age of six. Once the child hits seven, 1,350-1,500ppm of fluoride is needed. Children from this age can use regular family toothpaste as well.

5. Consider Fluoride Varnishing

Lastly, consider fluoride varnishing as an added level of protection for your children’s teeth. Most children’s dentists offer this coating twice a year from the age of three. It is a painless procedure in which the varnish is painted onto the teeth to strengthen tooth enamel, making them more resistant to decay.

At The Lodge Dental Practice, we offer dental services for all the family. If you would like to find out about the hygienist and dental services offered for children or adults, please get in touch with us on 01730 266 350 today.


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