Considerations Before Choosing Botox

Botox – or Botulinum Toxin to give it it’s full name – has had a rough press over recent years. We’ve all seen images of celebrities with so-called ‘frozen face’ and felt a pang of sympathy for them as their impossibly tight skin appears stretched beyond recognition. But you’ll be pleased to know that the frozen appearance associated with treatment is very rare, and is usually the result of poor application or overuse of the product – something which an experienced practitioner will work hard to avoid.

Even so, it is a completely reversible treatment, the effects of which can be minimised easily.

Botox is a natural protein which is used to relax muscles, usually in the face, which gives a softer, less wrinkled appearance. The name Botox is actually a brand name, but has been used for many years to describe all botulinum injections for cosmetic purposes.

Aesthetic Applications

Botox can be used to great effect to minimise moderate to deep lines and wrinkles in the face, particularly frown lines and forehead wrinkles. It can also be used to raise the tail of a brow to give an open-eyed effect.

While most patients will present a specific line to their practitioner, it’s good practice to consider the face as a whole to create a balanced appearance. That’s where our expertise comes in. Dentists like myself, Alannah Neville, have studied facial anatomy for many years and we can use our in-depth knowledge to apply effective anti-wrinkle injections with natural, pleasing results.

Medical Applications

In addition to aesthetics, this clever natural product can be used for medical reasons such as minimising excess sweating (hyperhidrosis) from the armpits. It can also be used to treat a medical condition known as bruxism – teeth grinding caused by overly strong jaw muscles. Aside from causing teeth damage, these powerful, tense muscles can look unsightly and cause headaches and jaw pain. Many bruxism patients experience a significant improvement after just one Botox treatment.

What Does Botox Treatment Involve?

Each treatment is completed using small 5ml vials of the liquid, which are injected using a fine cannula (needle) into the muscles under the skin to help relax them. Before treatment, we will complete a complete medical questionnaire to ensure your suitability for treatment. In this questionnaire, damaged nerves or muscle complaints should be disclosed, as should pregnancy and breastfeeding. Once we have confirmed that you are safe to undergo Botox treatment, the application can begin.

Firstly, you will be asked to lie down on a medical couch and your skin will be cleansed thoroughly for application. After this, a sealed bottle of refrigerated Botox will be drawn up into a cannula to begin injections. We will then work quickly to inject the product into the desired muscles, a small amount at a time.

Botox treatment comes with minimal pain and no local anesthetic is necessary. Effects last between 3-6 months.

What Questions Should I Ask My Consultant?

  • What qualifications do you have?

  • Can I see patients’ before and after photos?

  • What are the side effects?

  • Will there be aftercare?

If you are interested in anti-wrinkle or medical treatments, please contact us at the Lodge Dental Practice on 01730 266 350 to arrange a consultation.


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