Before and Aftercare for Root Canal Treatement

Root canal treatment is among many people’s greatest fears when it comes to visiting the dentist. However, with the appropriate before and aftercare, the experience need not be a source of stress and anxiety. In fact, you should find the procedure itself is relatively pain-free and alleviates any discomfort caused by the affected tooth.

Before Your Root Canal Treatment

If you have been advised that root canal treatment is necessary, it’s is probable that you have been experiencing pain and discomfort in that area for some time. The good news is that once the procedure is complete, this pain should stop. The treatment will remove any infection from the root canal and stop it spreading to the jawbone. It also means the tooth can be preserved.

If you are anxious about having a root canal, please let us know. We are happy to discuss the procedure with you in more detail and to answer any questions you may have. While the procedure is quite complex, it should feel no different from having a filling. Local anesthetic is administered, so the treatment should be virtually pain-free. At The Lodge, we also use specialist equipment, which allows us to negotiate complex canal systems. Once cleaned, we fill the canal system and the healing process begins.

There is nothing you need to do ahead of the procedure.

However, if you have a problem with anxiety, you might wish to talk to your doctor ahead of time about medication or even develop some calming techniques. Deep, steady breathing, meditation and listening to music can all be effective ways to reduce the stress of going to the dentist.

Root Canal Aftercare

Once the root canal procedure is complete, it important you refrain from eating until the local anesthetic has worn off. At this point, you might experience some sensitivity that could persist for a few days following your root canal treatment. You may wish to ask a pharmacist about over-the-counter pain medication. If you have severe pain or discomfort that lasts for longer than a few days, it is important to get in touch with us.

Following the root canal treatment, further cosmetic dental work may be recommended. Possible treatments include internal bleaching or being fitted with a crown to fix the affected tooth. This will be discussed with you and, of course, you are welcome to ask any questions. In fact, if you have any concerns at all, you should feel free to raise these with myself or my team at any time.

In addition to offering advanced dental treatments such as root canal procedures, we offer services to improve your oral health. Regular check-ups and advice from our team of hygienists can help to ensure any problems are identified and treated early, so you can avoid more extensive dental work.

If you would like to book a consultation with myself or one of my highly experienced team, please do not hesitate to contact us on 01730 266 350. We look forward to hearing from you soon.


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