The 5 Most Effective Non-Surgical Cosmetic Procedures

You don’t always have to go under the knife to achieve dramatic cosmetic differences. Here are some of the most effective non-surgical cosmetic procedures available on the market.

Botulinum Toxin (Botox) Injections

Botox is possibly the best-known cosmetic facial procedure on our list. Botox is a very affordable option, with minimal amounts needed to achieve a good effect. Treatment works by temporarily relaxing the facial muscles responsible for lines and wrinkles. The result is a much smoother skin. Botox can be used in the forehead to smooth the skin, remove frown lines and raise the brows for an open-eyed look. It is also effective on fine lines around the eyes, nose and mouth, giving a youthful appearance.

Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers are used to replace lost volume in the face, with different dermal filler consistencies utilised for different areas. Volume can be lost for a number of reasons. Ageing is one of the most commonly cited, but plumpness can also be lost following pregnancy or weight loss.

When weight is lost, skin can appear to sag, giving a prematurely ageing effect. This is where dermal fillers come into their own. Small amounts can be injected into the cheeks and around the eyes to restore volume and minimise the effects of sunkenness. Dermal fillers can also be added in miniscule amounts to correct facial imperfections such as scars and asymmetry to help you feel like your best self.

Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is a simple process which removes unwanted hair by targeting the pigment in the hair follicle and shaft. The light from the laser is converted into energy, which damages the hair and its follicle. Over time, the damage becomes permanent, meaning that the hair no longer grows back. This treatment can create mild soreness but this is only short-lived. Laser removal is still gentle enough to use on the face and upper lip, chin and sideburn areas can be treated easily.

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels are created using medical grade glycolic acid and can be used on the face and neck. Peels are painted onto the face in a thin layer and left for a period of time. Once removed, the skin will begin a new cycle of regrowth, with the original layer peeling off over time. The skin that is left will be newer and smoother. Fine lines and wrinkles are minimised and scarring and other facial imperfections can also be improved using this technique. Some redness and downtime is usual with this treatment.

Non-surgical Liposuction

If mild to moderate loose skin on the lower face or neck is an issue for you, you may be able to opt for non-surgical liposuction on these problematic areas to improve their appearance. Much like the hair removal treatment above, this non-surgical treatment uses lasers to achieve good results.

Heat is generated using the lasers, which breaks down fat cells. The fat from the treated area is then drained away using the body’s own lymphatic system. There is minimal downtime to this treatment, which makes it a good choice in contrast with traditional liposuction. It is also much cheaper than traditional liposuction.


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