Teeth Whitening

Our teeth darken as we age. This is due to dietary and lifestyle factors such as drinking red wine, tea and coffee and smoking regularly. Teeth whitening is a non-invasive, simple and safe way to transform your smile and make you look and feel fresher and younger.

These products are incredibly safe, reliable, user-friendly, clinically proven, tooth-friendly and non-damaging. The trays containing the product are worn repeatedly until the desired shade is obtained. The results are long-lasting and patient satisfaction is guaranteed.

Long-Lasting Results

The procedure its self is very straight forward. Firstly, we take impressions of your teeth, these are then used to construct a custom-made set of trays. Once these have been fitted, a gel containing hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide is then placed into the trays. The trays containing the gel are and worn for a period of time. The gel placed into the trays will gently and safely lift the staining. The details of this procedure will be fully explained to you by your dentist.

Transform Your Smile

Teeth whitening will restore your teeth’s natural whiteness and the confidence that goes with it. At The Lodge Dental Surgery we monitor you closely and support you throughout. It is imperative to us that you reach your desired shade. You will be amazed by the results and the impact it has on your daily life.