Inlays and Onlays

Inlays and onlays can be used to restore teeth that are broken down due to dental caries, wear or fracture They are a more conservative alternative to full coverage crowns. The restoration can be bonded or cemented into place and can be composed from a number of materials including ceramic, porcelain, gold and composite.

What Are Inlays and Onlays?

Dental inlays and onlays are a popular choice when very large fillings need to be removed or replaced leaving the tooth structure compromised. Similar to a filling, a dental inlay fits inside the cusp tips of a tooth. A dental onlay are slightly different and extend over the cusp structure of the tooth. This will act in similar way to a crown and allow axial loading on the tooth helping to prevent vertical fractures.

Restore Your Smile

Not only can these materials help to strengthen the tooth structure, they also leave the tooth restored to its natural beauty. Onlays can also be used to increase the vertical dimension of the tooth as part of occlusal rehabilitation.

We use dental inlays and onlays to restore teeth that are too damaged to repair with a filling but not enough to warrant a crown. This technique helps save the healthy portion of the tooth and provide strength and stability for everyday use.