
You can’t underestimate the power of a healthy mouth. 

There are now numerous links between oral bacteria and serious systemic diseases.
So, not only can controlling plaque bacteria reduce the risk of decay, gum disease and increase the lifespan of your restorations. It can also have a huge impact on your overall health.
By reducing oral bacteria you can decrease your risk of heart disease, diabetes, as well as neuro degenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s. 

It can also reduce the impact on the aging process as well as preventing serious complications to viral infections.
In essence:
A healthy mouth = A healthy body.

What is hygienist therapy?

Hygienist treatments have evolved hugely since the scale and polish days. At The lodge our incredible team of hygienists and therapists use state of the art equipment and techniques to ensure that you get the bespoke treatment that your mouth requires.
We understand that everyone’s oral health journey is different, and that tailoring treatment and advice is crucial to achieving excellent outcomes.

What do we provide?

  • Gingival therapy to help combat gingivitis and help maintain and increase the lifespan of your restorations.

  • Bespoke Periodontal therapy to treat the wide spectrum of stages of periodontal diseases and help maintain a stable condition.

  • Diet advice to help you understand the importance that diet has to play on oral health

  • Continued detailed oral hygiene instruction to help maintain daily low plaque bacteria levels.

The Lodge Dental Hygienist