
Dentures are removable false teeth that can be used to replace multiple teeth, a full arch or just a single tooth. They are custom-made to fit perfectly over the gums in order to make you look more aesthetically pleasing, aid function and eliminate problems caused by missing teeth.

Dentures can be made with either an acrylic or metal sub structure. At the Lodge Dental Surgery we take a lot of time and work closely with you to ensure your functional and aesthetic goals and desires are met. With proper lip support, cosmetic gum lines and beautiful acrylic teeth, dentures are incredibly natural-looking, so no one would ever know that you wore one.

How Can Dentures Help You?

Missing teeth can cause issues with eating and speech, and the teeth either side of the gap may drift into the space at different angles. Dentures can help alleviate these problems and improve the appearance of your smile, giving you greater confidence.

Types of Dentures

You may need:

  • Complete dentures – These replace all your upper or lower teeth. A complete denture is a fully removable acrylic base that sits on top of the gums. The base houses a set of beautifully crafted acrylic teeth, which will be designed to look as natural as possible.

  • Partial dentures – These replace just one tooth or a few missing teeth depending on your individual needs. A partial denture is attached to the teeth on either side of the gap.