The Zoom effect and potential treatments

The Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in more of us working from home, either temporarily or on a more permanent basis. This has meant that Teams and Zoom calls have become a more integral part of our working day and has resulted in us seeing our own faces more frequently.

How webcams distort reality

You have likely seen many articles popping up online proclaiming that enquiries for aesthetic treatments are on the rise, with many citing Zoom as their primary reason. There is some truth in this, but firstly it's important to highlight that webcams and conference calling software are notorious for distorting images and generally being unflattering. And that's before we even start thinking about how different angles and lighting conditions play their part in presenting a less-than-accurate image of how we look.

So, if you're ever in a virtual meeting and you're spending a lot of time examining your apparent 'dark circles', 'wrinkles', or 'face sag', the chances are that those concerns simply aren't as visible in real life. Psychologists are also keen to highlight 'perceptual distortion', which can happen when we see what we believe to be a fault, and spend a disproportionate amount of time fixating on it until we start to see it as a much larger issue.

Knowing when to explore cosmetic treatments

If you have been considering your aesthetic treatment options, arranging a consultation with a trusted practitioner will help you to determine whether it will help you to obtain your desired outcomes. I offer a variety of cosmetic treatments at my clinic, each of which can be used to address particular concerns.

- Anti-ageing injectable treatments

This type of treatment will relax targeted muscles in the face on a temporary basis, thereby reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. When injected into the forehead area, it is possible to use this treatment to smooth frown lines and create a fresher, more open-eyed look by raising the eyebrows. Similarly, when precisely injected into specific areas around the mouth, nose and eyes, skin can appear smoother and more youthful.

- Chin and cheek fillers

As we age we can start to lose some of the plumpness in our skin that keeps us looking radiant, well-rested and youthful. Often comprised of moisture-retaining hyaluronic acid, injectable chin and cheek fillers can be used to restore that lost volume and accentuate certain features. Dermal fillers can also effectively lift areas of the face and help to achieve a perfectly proportioned face.

- Lip enhancement

Dermal fillers can also be used in the lips to restore lost volume or correct an asymmetrical smile. Results typically last between four and 12 months, and I will always work with the unique shape of your lips to achieve beautiful results that look natural.

- The eight-point face lift

This non-surgical treatment will add volume, contour and lift the lower and mid face to take up to 10 years off your face. Dermal fillers will be injected into eight different areas to restore volume and reduce sagging around the eyes, cheeks and jowls.

- INTRAcel and Profihlo

These innovative, non-invasive treatments can effectively hydrate, tighten and firm the skin, thereby reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles without any surgery-related downtime. Profihlo utilises the power of hyaluronic acid to rejuvenate the skin's ability to produce collagen, hydrate and give the complexion added radiance. INTRAcel is a highly targeted treatment that combines fractional and micro needling treatments with radio frequency technology to encourage the body to produce a new skin structure that is healthier and tighter.

If you would like to explore your treatment options in more detail or have some questions that you would like answered by a knowledgeable aesthetic practitioner, myself and my team would love to hear from you. Simply email us or give us a call to arrange a one-to-one consultation.


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